Welcome from the Governing Body
Message from our Chairs of Governors - Mrs J Clarke
I have been an active Governor at Belle Vue for the past 8 years and feel privileged to be Belle Vue's current Chair of Governors.
I believe that I bring two strong elements to this role. One is that I work within education so understand the importance of the curriculum and the development of the whole child, but secondly, because I am a parent of children who have been through Belle Vue and are invested in this school and the community that it serves.
I see my role as both supportive, as well as challenging and work alongside the school and a committed team of Governors in making the right decisions for our learners.
I am more than happy to listen to your voice on whole-school issues in general and in particular, any positives you want to share with us. Community input is instrumental if we are to continue with the successes Belle Vue has achieved in the past.
I am very proud of our school and its pupils and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.
Mrs J Clarke
Chair of Governors
What do Governors do?
The Governing Body has three core functions:
1) Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
2) Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; an
3) Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
The governing body has established two committees and statutory panels. We meet as a Full Governing Body every term. The committees also meet together twice every term to review and discuss the details of school life.
These committees cover:
1) Pupils and Standards - including curriculum, academic progress, etc
2) People and Place - including Finance, Staffing, Health & Safety, etc
The statutory panels only meet when they are needed and these are:
1) Headteacher Performance Management
2) Pay Review
3) Complaints
4) Staff Discipline
5) Pupil Discipline
As Governors we also share a common objective which is the wider school community. To achieve this, and to carry out our role as Governors effectively, we need to know what issues are important to you so we remain responsive. That is why as Governors we work closely with the school to ensure that we continue to deliver a high standard of education to our children.
Governing Body Membership
A school governing body must publish a list of members annually with the date they were appointed and when their term of office expires.
Declarations of Business Interests
A school governing body must publish an up to date declaration of business interests. This is updated annually or when there is a change.
Instrument of Government
Governor Attendance
Governor Allowances
Although it is not compulsory, a governing body can choose to pay allowances to governors for specified expense. The governing body does not currently pay allowances. Should that change then a policy and those expenses will be published here.