Pupil Leadership Meetings
MINUTES 25-09-2023
APOLOGIES: Charlotte
Mrs Cradock welcomed the two new members from Year 6. She explained that after the meeting minutes will be made and distributed, a copy will be placed on the notice board and feedback will be given to KS2 in an assembly.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS Suggested clubs from Pupil Leadership Team (PLT) were: gymnastics, netball, basketball, badminton, sewing, crafting and reading. They will be asking their classmates if there are any other suggestions and will feedback to Mrs Cradock. It was explained that just because clubs were asked for didn't mean that they will happen, this will depend on staff availability and costs. |
All PLT |
TEAMPOINTS Mr Marshall showed the names and logos for Team Points. They are local historic landmarks; Lawnswood (Lawnswood House), Baggeridge, (the chimney at the brickworks), Holbeche (the house where Guy Fawkes hid) and Himley (the house owned by the Earl of Dudley). Team points will be awarded for good effort in school work and for sports events. Team captains will be chosen for each house, 1 boy and 1 girl from Year 6. Vice-captains will be 1 boy and 1 girl from Year 5. At the end of each half term the winning house will be given a treat, maybe an extra playtime or some games time indoors. |
NEW SIGNS Keep your eyes peeled for some new signs appearing around school from the end of next week. There will be ones for our new houses, Belle Vue way, Awesome attendance graph, celebrating success and lights off. |
Everyone |
PLAYTIME BUDDIES PLT asked if this can be introduced. It will be, Teachers just need to discuss how it will work and who will be involved - watch this space. |
SLT & Teachers |
BADGES AND PHOTOS Mrs Cradock will ask for the Team's photo to be taken tomorrow, when the photographers are in and Mr Marshall will arrange for some badges to be ordered. |
Mrs C Mr M |
LUNCHTIME It was asked if crayons can be provided at lunch break. Mrs Slater was out this lunchtime with some but is not able to do it every day. Mrs Cradock will find out what happened to those provided last year. It was also requested that the friendship stop is re-introduced, Mrs Cradock said she had ordered one to put on the wall last year so she will find out what happened to the order. |
Mrs C
Mrs C |
YEAR 6 RESIDENTIAL Mr Marshall asked if the Year 6 leaders can find out from their peers what they enjoyed most about the trip and what could be improved for next time. Feedback to be given to Mr Marshall. |
Tad, Charlotte, Violet, Amelia, Lottie |
Pupil Leadership Team (PLT) - Achievements for 2022 to 2023
Organised the Jack O Lantern carving competition.
Ideas to commemorate the life of Queen Elizabeth II lead to the 'secret garden' being converted to a memorial garden. Gardening Club have started work on the conversion (it is on hold now until the new windows have been placed in KS1) and a plaque has been bought.
Letters have been written to famous and influential people asking what one thing they would do to make the world a better place -to date we have only received one reply from Sir David Attenborough.
A bench on the middle playground was allocated with a sign to make it a friendship bench, somewhere children could go and sit if they needed someone to play with. Also, through a PLT request, a new basketball hoop has been put up and pencils and paper were made available for breaktimes.
Mixing of children on KS2 playgrounds.
After Christmas the Year 3s were integrated into the Pupil Leadership Team.
Suggestions were made for celebrating King Charles III Coronation.
House names and team points are still under review and PLT input will be needed from September.
How do students feel about having the longer transition period?
PLT Meetings will be on a Monday and then feedback will be given in the KS2 hall on the Wednesday, Volunteers from the group will be asked to deliver them in assembly time. There will be 1 meeting per half term, unless their input is needed in any projects
PRESENT: Amelia, Fleur, Bethany, Isla, Olivia A, Olivia C, Esme, Ghassan, Daisie, Lily, Arianna and Phoebe.
The girls have set up a separate lunchtime football team, consisting mainly of girls and a few boys.
Basketball hoops have arrived, Mr Butler will put them up when he has time.
Please DO NOT use skipping ropes as horse reigns, children are getting hurt and the skipping ropes are breaking.
Most children are now playing Pokemon by the rules. Remember that once you have traded a card you cannot ask for it back.
PLT (Pupil Leadership Team) to write letters to important or influential people to ask what one thing we could do to change the world.
In September there will be a re-launch of the house point system. In order for this to take place Mr Marshall would like new house names. Attached is a form with the new ideas for names. Please can a class vote take place to find out which are the favourite choices.
It was raised that some classes were missing their Platinum house point charts and certificates, Mrs Cradock will investigate.
This year the school is going to let children know who their new class teacher will be sooner than the last two weeks of term. This will give the opportunity to be in the new class more times and hopefully will overcome any worries or nervousness children have about moving up in September. The PLT commented that their concerns were not being with any friends or being with people they have had major fall outs with and who their new teacher will be. Mr Marshall explained that as much as possible staff have taken this into account, along with girl/boy and academic mixes. Some were also worried about how much harder the work will be, again it was explained that the work may be slightly harder but that was all part of progressing and growing up and that the Class Teachers would usually start from a point of what the children already know. Mr Marshall asked for their feedback of how it goes at the next meeting.
Voting Slip for the new House Teams names.
Elder, Birch, Willow, Hazel |
Clent, Kinver, Malvern, Clee |
King George V, Mary Stevens, Baggeridge, The Dell |
PRESENT: Amelia, Fleur, Bethany, Isla, Olivia A, Olivia C, Esme, Ghassan, Daisie, Lily, Arianna and Phoebe.
Having an adult referee monitoring the football has substantially reduced the number of arguments. It appears that some boys are not passing to or allowing the girls to join in. Girls are to tell the referee or lunchtime supervisor when this happens, unfortunately, Miss Monk is not free on any of the lunchtimes to run a girl only session. Ghassan suggested a rota for the latter part of lunchtime between Year 3 & 6 to avoid the ball going onto Reception playground.
Reception are enjoying throwing the balls over the fence for children to throw back. The small children think this is a game and will keep doing it while the balls are being thrown back. If this is a problem, do not throw the balls back, keep them until the end of lunch and then give them all back. Mrs Cradock will remind Reception children to try to keep the balls on their own play area.
Basket ball hoops have been ordered for the play ground wall, Mr Marshall also suggested having numbered targets beneath them.
A request was made for more large equipment, such as climbing frames, Mr Marshall explained that the school cannot afford it at the moment because the gas and electricity bills have tripled in cost.
Has improved, there are still a small minority of children not following The Belle Vue Way, but mostly the behaviour is getting much better.
Ideas put forward to celebrate King Charles III coronation were to make flags/bunting, to have a celebration assembly, to design and make a crown, cape, orb or sceptre. Also, to have colouring sheets.
Earth Day
It has been missed for this year but next year it will be celebrated. A note will be made of celebration, national or international days which can be celebrated in an assembly and this will be in the programme from September.
Like the older children, this group were asked to write letters to important or influential people to ask what one thing we could do to change the world. Mrs Cradock will let them have a copy of Laila’s letter so they have an idea of what they can write.
It was clarified by Mr Marshall that so long as the game was being played correctly and there were no arguments, that Pokemon can now be played again at lunchtimes.
BELLE VUE WAY: Mrs Davies is still working on the child version for saying ‘Establish-Nurture-Grow’. The Pupil Leadership Team commented that lining up in order and making quick and quiet transitions, meant that there was a much calmer and safer feel about the school.
NEW LUNCHTIME ROTA: On the whole the KS2 children liked mixing with the new year group, it was asked if there could also be a mix with different year groups. Mrs Cradock will find out from Mrs Bell if Year 6 can have the equipment out when they first go on the playground at 12:15. NR asked if there could be a colouring bag with pencils and pictures in? Football disputes are still causing upset, if an adult is available he/she can referee, if not a responsible independent child could do it. Mrs Cradock said that she will discuss equipment and games on the playgrounds with SLT and then feedback at the next meeting. It was also suggested that an assembly to reinforce the lunchtime play, and being fair and to share equipment could be made by them, with videos of them showing poor practice and then good practice.
HOUSE NAMES: Mythical Creatures was the most popular category, however during the meeting the pupil leadership team embraced the idea of naming the House Team after a person who has achieved something e.g. The Attenboroughs or The Thunbergs or The Rashfords, anymore ‘famous’ people can be nominated.
CHAT SPOT: PT fed back that the spot had worked well but was not robust enough to survive. Mrs Cradock will find out if a sign can be bought and mounted on the middle playground wall. The new benches which we fund raised for last summer have arrived and will be placed out around the school soon.
AOB: LYH was very excited to report that she has received a reply from Sir David Attenborough. She read it to the meeting, it will be displayed on the Pupil Leadership Team board. This then prompted other team members to say that they have written drafts of letters to their inspirational people, so Mrs Cradock will try to catch them Thursday lunchtime so they can write it on letter headed paper and then they can be posted.
Date of Next Meeting: Monday 6th February, 1:20pm, Mr Marshall’s Office.
PLT have written to some influential people to ask 'What one thing would you do to make the World a better place?' One reply has been received so far - from Sir David Attenborough, WOW!
Pupil Leadership Team (PLT) appreciated the new toilets in KS2.
They also noted how big and how many pumpkins had grown, we talked about what to do with the pumpkins.
Each class will be given a pumpkin before half term to carve a Jack O' Lantern ready for a competition on the first day back after half term, which will be Halloween. All the pumpkins will be displayed and a winner chosen. Mrs. Cradock informed the group that the school has earned the RHS Level 3 award. She thanked the Gardening Club, Year 3s, Year 1s and Year 6s who had all put efforts into growing last year.
Mrs. Cradock told the group that as a school we were really going to try hard to improve our writing this year and she will be asking them to feedback from their lessons.
Mr. Marshall asked the PLT to have a think about House Teams (Earth, Wind, Water & Fire) and how they can be used in school, bearing in mind that Team points are rewards for good efforts at learning and working in class, for which children gain pride in themselves and certificates. Also, to consider what rewards can be given for the winners in each house and if new house names are needed.
PLT will perform an assembly during this week.
Lots of ideas were put forward. Finally, it was decided that the 'Secret Garden' area will be turned into a memorial garden. Each PLT person will draft a letter to King Charles III to ask for his advice on design and planting. Other ideas were that each child can write a sentence or 2 about their favourite memory of the late Queen or an invention or major change which happened during her reign to be placed in a time capsule for 50 years. It can then be a reflective quiet space for children to use who may be grieving or who may need to be remembered.
Laila asked if INSET days could all be put together into 1 week. Mr. Marshall explained that it was a decision which Governors would have to make and that it could not happen this year, he will take the idea to the next Governors meeting. Mrs. Cradock said that sometimes training was needed at different times throughout the year when new initiatives are introduced.
PLT have been asked to think about someone they respect or admire to write a letter to. The letter will ask 'What one thing would you do to make the world a better place?' Any replies will be shared with the whole school.