Welcome to 1B - Mrs Prosser
Monster Phonics eBooks
Your child will be allocated a new 'group book' eBook each week on 'BoomReader'.
The school pin is 48157 and their individual PIN code was sent home.
Once you are logged in, there should be a link to the Monster Phonics eBook on the dashboard to match the book they are learning about at school. Unfortunately, this is not a hyperlink and must be copied and pasted into a webpage to access it. You will also need to use your Monster Phonics parent login to be able to view the eBooks.
Please follow this link to set up an account using your personal email and create your own password. Once it is set up, you can save your password to avoid typing it in each time!
Please only read the eBook that is allocated each week.
We hope you enjoy reading our new super Monster Phonics eBooks at home!
Important information
Forest school dates - Friday 30th September, 7th October, 14th October, 4th November & 11th November. Children will need to come to school in their forest school clothes - old, long sleeved tops and bottoms (which may get muddy!), waterproof clothing and old trainers or wellington boots. Please note: PE will not take place on forest school days.
Change to PE schedule - PE will now take place on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons.
Useful information
- Please label all items of clothing, shoes and personal belongings that your child wears or brings to school. This will help us get it back to you if it is lost.
- Your child will need to bring a labelled water bottle in with them each day.
- Please no big bags, just book bags and lunchboxes.
- At break time, children will have the option of fruit or can bring in a healthy snack from home (fruit or vegetables).
- PE will be on Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon. Please ensure that your child's kit is labelled and in a named bag. We would be grateful if earrings could be taken out and hair tied back. Children will get dressed for PE at school and can leave their PE kits at school. These will be sent home at the end of each half term.
- Reading books will be changed on a Thursday.
Please let us know if there will be a different adult collecting your child than normal at the end of the day. This will allow us to ensure a smooth home time routine.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Prosser & Miss Bates
Year 1 have been exploring different styles in Art and have been experimenting with colour and techniques to create their own 'Starry Night'.