Our Belle Vue Curriculum
We are dedicated to the delivery of a knowledge-rich curriculum that aims to enrich pupils’ lives through providing them with a well-sequenced, coherent curriculum.
Our curriculum will arm our children with powerful knowledge about the world around them and help them to develop a love for each subject as well as enabling them to recognise their own role in our community, society and the world.
The National Curriculum in England (2014) states:
"Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based and which:
- promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society
- prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
The school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that each school plans for its pupils. The national curriculum forms one part of the school curriculum."
Belle Vue has recently made significant changes to its curriculum provision. Our approach is a 'mirrors and windows' one; where children regularly refer back to prior learning, to help them with their current learning, and look forward to see how learning will be built upon in the future.
Our curriculum will always be a working process, allowing us to adapt and adjust it to suit the needs of our pupils.
Our Vision
Our vision is rooted in the saying "From Mighty Oaks, Little Acorns Grow" and summarised in our motto - Establish, Nurture, Grow. We want our children to establish firm roots, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and understanding to be positive, contributing, members of our global society.
The issues facing our community:
- There is a lack of cultural diversity in the Belle Vue community which means that some of our children do not have an understanding of different cultures, beliefs and traditions.
- Some children lack independence, have low aspiration and some are over reliant on adult support. As a result, children find it difficult to take risks, find failure hard to deal with and can be passive in their learning.
- Children's range of vocabulary is limited-this prevents children from communicating in the most effective ways. In addition, there is a change in demographics to the local areas which is resulting in some children entering school with significant speech and language difficulties.
How does our curriculum intend to address these issues:
Key curriculum drivers of diversity, aspiration and communication underpin and thread through our curriculum so that our curriculum:
- Gives pupils appropriate experiences and content through curriculum breadth, to develop as confident, responsible and respectful global citizens; (Diversity)
- Provides a rich "cultural capital" underpinned by "powerful knowledge" thus giving them the tools they need to achieve their potential; (Aspiration)
- Provides a coherent, structured, academic curriculum that enables children to communicate with confidence through a range of mediums. (Communication)
What will success look like?
Our children will demonstrate:
Understanding: Belle Vue children will recognise the importance of community and culture, whether that be local, national or global. They will respect, understand and appreciate differences. They will be bold in challenging stereotypes, injustice and play their part in celebrating the diversity that our world offers.
Fluency: Belle Vue children will become increasingly articulate in expressing themselves. They will communicate fluently in a variety of situations using vocabulary, both appropriate and ambitious. They will have good emotional intelligence of when to listen and when to respond.
Possibilities: Belle Vue children will have the ambition, drive and resilience to make a real difference. They will be critical thinkers with enquiring minds who are not afraid to take a calculated risk. They will use a variety of strategies to overcome barriers; independently and collaboratively striving to be the best they can be.
Wellbeing: Belle Vue children will have the skills to manage their physical and mental health. They will be equipped to deal with the ups and downs of life knowing how to seek help should they need to. To recognise when they need help and how to seek it. To attune to other around them and show them empathy.
Initiative: Belle Vue children will be encouraged to embrace all opportunities that life presents. They will be inspired by the best that world has to offer via a broad and deep curriculum. They will aspire to great things and be filled with confidence to enter a world full of possibilities.
Please note that we are currently updating all of the curriculum pages on the school website and so some subjects may contain more detailed information than others. If you have any questions or require any further information, please contact school and arrange to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Curriculum support materials
To guide our curriculum design and delivery, we draw on a number of published schemes and resources. Please see the table below.
Subject | Resource |
English | No Nonsense Literacy, National Curriculum grammar, punctuation and spelling expectations |
Phonics | Monster Phonics |
Maths | White Rose Maths |
Science | PKC |
History | PKC |
Geography | PKC |
Art | PKC |
Music | Charanga |
RE | Discovery RE |
PE | Get Set 4 PE |
MFL | Language Angels |
Computing | Purple Mash |
PSHE/RSE | Primary Programme Builder |