
Understanding how we teach mathematics

At Belle Vue, we use the White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning across the whole school to ensure that there is consistency and appropriate breadth and depth in our maths curriculum. Pupils have opportunities to practise the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and acquire key number facts such as number bonds and times tables which help them develop greater fluency in their mathematical development.

Mathematical reasoning and problem solving are key to becoming an accomplished mathematician and children are given many opportunities to develop these skills.

For further information regarding the White Rose Maths scheme and how parents can support their children, please visit  WHITE ROSE MATHS WEBSITE.

The school's Visual Calculation Policy provides a visual representation of both written and mental calculations and shows the progression of calculations within the 4 operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.

The posters are intended to help you in understanding the methods and steps involved in the teaching of mathematics at Belle-Vue. They are used consistently throughout the school and take learners from each operation's practical starting points through to formal written methods.

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Mathematical Intent

At Belle-Vue we intend to:

  • Ensure that learners have access to a high-quality mathematics curriculum which is enjoyable, relevant and challenging.
  • Ensure that learners are nurtured to become confident and aspirational mathematicians that are not afraid to ask questions and take risks.
  • Establish the foundations of mathematical thinking ensuring that learners are fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics and are able to retrieve and recall facts and knowledge efficiently (with speed and accuracy).
  • Develop mathematical vocabulary which will enable them to become confident communicators.
  • Enable children to make connections and deepen their learning by providing a variety of mathematical opportunities across our whole curriculum.
  • Develop independent learners who are willing and interested in self-improvement and who are confident to complete challenging activities.
  • Ensure that learners are aware of the wider relevance of Mathematics to everyday life and grow equipped for the next stage of their mathematical learning.


Mathematical Implementation

At Belle-Vue, our implementation of quality mathematical teaching and learning is developed through a secure understanding of the National Curriculum and is driven by an emphasis on the understanding of mathematical possesses and reasoning. We are moving towards a Mastery approach, supporting children to develop a deep understanding of mathematics in an environment that’s accessible and relevant.

By teaching a mastery approach, children are able to apply and transfer their learning to other situations, concepts and subjects and deepen their mathematical understanding.



  1. Long Term

National Curriculum – Mathematics programme of Study Key Stage 1 and 2 – September 2013

Non-statutory guidance - Ready-to-progress criteria June 2020

  1. Medium Term

Yearly overview supported by the White Rose Scheme of Learning and Progression Overview for each year group. Modified in response to data and children’s individual needs.

  1. Short term

Short term planning follows the White Rose sequence of learning. Additional resources used include Rising Stars, NRICH, Classroom Secrets, NCETM and Primary Stars.


Daily lessons

Early Years


In Nursery, maths lessons are not formal. Children are encouraged to see the mathematics that surround them every day and enjoy developing vital life skills in this subject. Maths is fun and practical. Contextual opportunities are provided throughout the day which allow children to use taught mathematical skills.

A high-quality learning environment provides children with many opportunities to explore different aspects of number and shape, space and measures and learn new concepts. The children have a wide range of structured play resources available to them throughout the year and are encouraged to develop mathematical thinking in both indoors and outdoors. Verbal reasoning and problem-solving opportunities are encouraged in adult led activities. 




Reception children receive a daily formal maths lesson and progress is noted. The lessons are interactive and are based on practical activities where the children can demonstrate their learning using a variety of manipulatives and models. Lessons provide opportunities for verbal reasoning and problem solving which embeds their mathematical thinking and talk.

Mathematical concepts are developed through high quality play activities, both inside and outside the classroom, and children are encouraged to look for maths in their environment. These skills and knowledge are also re-enforced in daily routines and are modelled by the adults.


Key stage 1

Daily lessons have:

  • a clear learning objective.
  • a starter activity to improve retrieval and retention.
  • a main teaching session where skills are taught using concrete objects to demonstrate their understanding. This is done through using a range of manipulatives linked to the learning objective.  Pictorial representations of the objects to model problems are used so that children make a mental connection between the physical object and abstract levels of understanding by drawing or looking at pictures, circles, diagrams or models which represent the objects in the problem.

Once pupils have demonstrated that they have a solid understanding of the “concrete” and “pictorial” representations of the problem, they are then introduced to the more “abstract” concept, such as mathematical symbols.

  • Verbal and written reasoning opportunities where pupils demonstrate their understanding of the maths concept. Meaningful talk is an integral part of our lessons where children justify and explain their thinking. 
  • problem solving challenge opportunities to apply their skills and consolidate learning.
  • a plenary to review and assess the learning.


Key stage 2

Daily lessons have:

  • a clear learning objective.
  • a starter activity to improve retrieval and retention.
  • a main teaching activity. As children move through the key stage more emphasis is placed on pictorial and abstract concepts. Although, when introducing new concepts, teachers use manipulatives to support and develop learning.
  • verbal and written reasoning opportunities where pupils demonstrate their understanding of the maths concept. Meaningful talk is an integral part of our lessons where children justify and explain their thinking. 
  • problem solving and challenge opportunities to apply their skills and consolidate learning.
  • a plenary to review and assess the learning.



At Belle-Vue we ensure quality first teaching which is linked to teaching standards and performance management.

Our teachers:

  • Have a sound subject knowledge which underpins the effective teaching of mathematics.
  • Know where their learners are and where they need to be at the end of the year and key stages.
  • Plan for challenges and progression during and between lessons.
  • Are supported by a MaST and encouraged to attend Maths surgeries where necessary.
  • Use other adults to ensure effective support which impacts positively on progress and confidence.
  • Use whole class marking documents to assess progress and ensure individual/group support and challenge is addressed.


Mathematical Impact

Learners at Belle-Vue develop detailed knowledge, skills and confidence across the whole mathematical curriculum which is evidenced by:

Attainment records 

Standardised tests

Cohort reviews

Progress reports

Learner’s confidence

Pupil Voice

Links made to Performance Management

The school's Visual Calculation Policy provides a visual representation of both written and mental calculations and shows the progression of calculations within the 4 operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.


The posters are intended to help you in understanding the methods and steps involved in the teaching of mathematics at Belle-Vue. They are used consistently throughout the school and take learners from each operation's practical starting points through to formal written methods.

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