Welcome to Belle Vue's Nursery Page!


Hello and welcome to Nursery's class page.


Here you will find lots of information about Nursery, things you can do at home and how you can help your child.


We are really excited to get to know your children and work with you over the next year!

Mrs Warr

Nursery Teacher
Oak Tree Key Person

Mrs Payne

Teaching Assistant
Ash Tree Key Person

Mrs Harris

Teaching Assistant

We wish you a warm welcome to Belle Vue Nursery!

Key Dates

Thursday 21st December - Last Day of Term

Friday 22nd December - INSET Day (School Closed)

22nd December - 5th January: Christmas Holidays

Monday 8th January 2024 - Spring Term Begins (School Open)

Monday 12th February - 16th February - Half Term

Thursday 7th March - World Book Day 

This term is all about settling in and building relationships. We understand that starting Nursery can be an upsetting time for parents and children alike, but we are here to support you. We will work as a partnership together to make sure your child has their best start at Belle Vue! In a morning when dropping your child off, try and make it as swift as possible and don't linger so your child can settle in and begin their day at Nursery.

In order for all to achieve their potential we are committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of productive learning, thus enabling all to feel secure and respected. We do this by having clear and simple rules which are explicitly taught and modelled by all members of our school community. Our three school rules are

  • Be ready
  • Be respectful
  • Be safe

We also have four listening skills that we actively teach across school. These are:

  • Good listening is…sitting still
  • Good listening is…staying quiet
  • Good listening is…looking at the person who is talking
  • Good listening is…listening to all of the words

Reading: Later on in the term, your child will be sent home with a sharing book. This book will be your child's choice and can be read as much as you like! We will change them every week. Please return your book in exchange for a new one.

Early Mark Making: In Nursery we do lots of different early mark making to help develop your child's writing skills. We do lots of gross and fine motor activities to develop their hand muscles and encourage lots of drawing, colouring and painting.

Maths: We expose your children to numbers everyday in Nursery. They see them in the environment, we sing them in counting songs and we count lots of different things together. We create things using shapes, look at pattern and order and compare things of different sizes, weight, length, etc.


How can I support my child at home?

In Nursery we like to foster children's independence. Although staff are always on hand to help your child, it is important for your child to become more independent in doing tasks such as putting their lunch box or book bag away and putting their coat or shoes on. This can allow children to feel proud. Our children have access to an outdoor space throughout the day, so being able to put their coat on is an important skill for your child to learn.  We also put our wellies on to go outside into the garden, so your child needs to be able to take off and put on their shoes independently. We also have a dressing-up area with lots of different
types of clothes and shoes for your child to try on, so teaching them to dress independently is a very good skill to develop.


First, put the hood of your coat on your head like a superhero.

Next, feel for the arms of your coat and slide your hands into the arm holes.

Now your coat is on! Can you zip it up?

Nursery activity photos

October 2023
Nursery are ready for some exciting activities today;
Potion making
Spider webs
Pumpkin collage
Trick or treat
 and lots more....

December 2023
The children are loving the Christmas Home area in Nursery.

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