Our Ethos & Values
At Belle Vue we implement all of the requirements, including assessment, recording and reporting, of the National Curriculum. But we believe that learning works best in a Learning Partnership with families, governors and other members of our local community. Our school aims therefore need the commitment of everybody in order to completely fulfil them.
We acknowledge the key role the school staff have in developing in each child the skills, knowledge and self confidence to deal with the complex world around them.
It is important to us that:
- our pupils are emotionally secure and confident
- they are as successful as possible at school
- there are facilities and opportunities for them to play safely
- children are healthy
- they make a positive contribution to the life of the school
To do this we:
- have a broad and balanced curriculum which all children can access at their own level
- provide an environment, both in the classroom and the school as a whole, which helps to make learning exciting, arouse pupils' interest and stimulate their curiosity
- develop an atmosphere of encouragement, acceptance, recognition and praise for achievement
- are sensitive to individual needs
- provide a climate of warmth, security and support where self-confidence can thrive
- expect high personal standards of achievement, presentation and social behaviour
- give full consideration to the needs of all pupils, including the less able and those with particular gifts and talents
- ensure equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, creed, gender or disability
- give each child a sense of 'ownership' of his or her own learning and achievements
- develop a sense of care and respect for others
- show children how best to ensure their personal safety and a develop a healthy life style
- help children understand the concept of the world as a 'global village' so that they have an understanding of the impact of individual actions
- encourage children to live at peace and play a full role in a multicultural society