Welcome to Belle Vue's Reception Page!


Welcome to our Reception Spring newsletter. Here you will find key dates and information for the coming term. We are really looking forward to continuing our learning journey with the children this term!

Our class teachers are: Mrs Richardson (teaching in Reception on a Monday and Tuesday), Mrs Jukes (teaching Thursday and Friday, Mrs Dudley (teaching full time). Our teaching assistants are  Miss Bates (full time), Mrs Richardson (Monday-Wednesday), Mrs Fellows (Thursday-Friday), Mrs Parr (Forest School Leader, Wednesday).




Mrs Richardson

(Assistant Head and Deputy DSL)


Mrs Jukes

(DT Lead)


Mrs Dudley

(Phonics Lead)




Miss Bates

(Teaching Assistant)


Mrs A. Richardson

(Teaching Assistant)



Mrs Fellows

Teaching Assistant

(Thurs and Fri)




As a school we follow the Monster Phonics Programme. Children will receive a daily phonics session of approximately 20 minutes. In this session they will have the opportunity to read and write using the new sounds they have been taught. When the children are secure with their segmenting and blending skills they will begin twice weekly group reading session using Monster Phonics books. They will then bring this book home on a Friday to reread with family, they will also bring home a 'book to share' which will be a longer text designed for the adult to read to them to model reading skills as they learn to read.

Handwriting is taught as part of our whole school scheme called Letterjoin. Children will be part of formal handwriting sessions on a Thursday and Friday. They will have access to writing and mark making activities on a daily basis where staff will model and articulate correct letter formation, this practise will be supported by high quality Physical Development provision designed to increase core and muscle strength needed for developing writers.

  As a school we are part of the NCETM Mastering Number Programme which has a focus on developing mathematical fluency. Children will receive a directed maths session daily and during independent learning times they will be provided with practical challenges for them to apply the skills they have been taught. As the year progresses children will be supported to record their mathematical thinking using pictures which then, when they are ready, will lead to recording mathematical thinking using numbers. We use the White Rose Maths scheme to teach the shape, space and measures elements of maths which are not covered by the NCETM Mastering Number Programme.

Our curriculum is play-based, supported by high quality texts and reflects the interests of our children. The children will have a wealth of opportunities to develop their Characteristics of Effective Learning through challenges designed to allow them time to play and explore, to be an active learner and to develop their creative and critical thinking skills.

Throughout the spring term children will be exposed to a variety of texts designed to explore themes such as the natural world and those that inhabit it. 
As part of our work on seasonal change we will enjoy spending time planting seeds and watching them grow. We will observe the different stages of plant and animal life cycles. 
The children will be given opportunities to use a range of tools and materials when creating their own art work.  They will explore form and shape when using clay and texture, composition and collaging techniques when creating their own pieces. 
Quality interactions are a key part of our learning journey. This term we will be exploring story telling through our use of the Tales Toolkit. The children will be given the opportunity to use this framework freely when creating and sharing their own story ideas. 


Supporting Learning at Home

At the end of each week you will receive an email detailing what the children have been learning. In there will be some suggestions of quick activities you can do with your child to support what they have been learning that week.

Each week your child will receive a 'Book to Share'. This book is for you to read to your child to model reading skills. It is equally as important for children learning to read, to be read to, as it is for them to practise their reading. Once secure with their segmenting and blending skills your child will be issued with their Monster Phonics book. This book will have been used in class containing sounds they have been taught, this is the book your children will need to read to you several times over the week. 

Please see the video link for the correct articulation of sounds when supporting your child with their reading and writing.


As part of our phonics programme, we undergo regular monitoring of the children's development. The assessment schedule that we follow is clearly mapped out. Children will be taught a set of graphemes and HFW (high frequency words) and then assessed on them. 
Once an assessment has been completed you may receive a list of HFWs, graphemes and focus words that your child needs to practise.


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