Special educational needs & disabilities (SEND)

Belle Vue Primary & Nursery School is a truly inclusive place.  We take great pride in the provision that we offer.  Mrs Hannah Hodson is our SENCo and completed the National Award for SEN Coordination via the University of Wolverhampton. 

Whilst she is on Maternity leave, Mrs Rachel Ford-Thomson is covering the position and completed the National Award for SEN coordination via the University of Middlesex.

For our SEN Policy and SEN Information report please see our Policy page.

Click here to see Dudley's SEND Local Offer.
If you have a complaint regarding how the school has dealt with a specific SEND issue contact SENco in the first instance.  If the complaint has not been resolved then the formal complaints policy must be followed (click here for complaints policy).  Please see the DfE Complaints page for further information.
Click here to view the DfE guidance on SEND and Disabilities

Useful links to access support & Information

Information, Advice and Support Network

We know that things can be challenging for families, particularly where a child has additional needs. We invite you to make contact with us and chat about what you might be finding difficult. We can offer you impartial advice and guide you to appropriate support.

The British Dyslexia Association

The BDA is the voice of dyslexic people. Our vision is that of a dyslexia friendly society that enables dyslexic people to reach their potential.

The National Autistic Society

The NAS exists to champion the rights and interests of all people with autism and to ensure that they and their families receive quality services appropriate to their needs.

National Deaf Children's Society

The National Deaf Children’s Society is the only UK charity solely dedicated to providing support, information and advice for deaf children and young people, their families and professionals working with them.

SEND Gateway

A one stop shop for all things SEND


A charity that provides help and support for families with disabled children.

Dyspraxia UK

Dyspraxia UK provides assessments and diagnosis for children and adults, and is the UK specialist in this field of occupational therapy.


Understood are an organisation that support people with Autism

I Can

Your first stop for information on Children's communication


Advice and support for parents with children with SEND

Speech & Language Centre - Quarry Bank

This is the Twitter feed for S&L Centre 

School Life iOS Mobile Application
A School Life Website
School Life Android Mobile Application