
Subject Lead: Mrs Hopkins (Year 6) 

In English we teach a broad curriculum covering reading, writing, grammar and oracy. We follow an approach to the teaching of writing called 'No Nonsense Literacy'. This was implemented throughout school in 2021-22.  We have a curriculum of high quality texts which are used throughout school that builds children's knowledge of literature and their reading ability in a structured way. We study a range of modern and classic fiction books and our children are exposed to a wide variety of themes. To support our non-fiction writing genres, we will use the learning in our foundation subjects to help us produce a variety of non-fiction texts. 


English Curriculum update

To address the current needs of our pupils, we have adapted our English curriculum for the Spring and Summer term of 2022/23.

All year groups (1-6) are focusing on sentence structure, grammar and punctuation. 

Therefore the units of work, on the overview below, are currently not being covered



Subject Lead: Miss Amy Winwood (Year 5)

We use the White Rose Maths Hub plans across school to ensure that there is appropriate breadth and depth in our maths curriculum.  Pupils have many opportunities to practise the basic skills and memorise key number facts such as number bonds and times tables to help them develop greater fluency in their mathematical development. Pupils also have access to Numbots and TTRockstars to practise number bonds and times tables at home in a fun and engaging way. There are also many opportunities for children to develop their mathematical reasoning and problem solving.  For further information on the White Rose Maths scheme and for information on how parents  can support their children please visit the White Rose Maths Hub website here - WHITE ROSE MATHS HUB WEBSITE. 



Subject Lead: Miss Lindsey Ward (Year 3) 

We use Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) Science across both KS1 and KS2, which ensures our pupils can build, develop and secure the knowledge they need.  

"The PKC science curriculum will lay the foundation for pupils to understand what the discipline of science tells us about the world. We aim to ignite children’s love for science by showing them what fascinating things the human race has learned about the world."


Subject Lead: Miss Vickers (Year 3) 

We use Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) Art across both KS1 and KS2, which ensures our pupils can build, develop and secure the knowledge they need.  

"The PKC art curriculum is designed to enable children make connections between the work of artists, architects and designers and their own work. The curriculum provides meaningful opportunities for self-expression to give children the space to learn who they are as an artist by exploring different mediums. We aim to ignite children’s love for art by giving them the ability to express themselves through drawing, painting, sculpture, printing, collage, photography and textiles. The curriculum also provides extensive opportunity for children to develop their skills in visual literacy by looking at, thinking and talking about art." 


Subject Lead: Miss Wyld (Year 2)

Our Computing curriculum is supported by The Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work. This is a comprehensive set of resources which allows us to equip our pupils with all the necessary skills outlined in National Curriculum for Computing, Technology and Digital Competence. 

Design and Technology

Subject Lead: Mrs Emily Jukes (Reception) 

We use Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) Design and Technology across both KS1 and KS2. "The PKC DT curriculum aims to inspire students to think about the important and integral role which design and the creation of designed products play in our society. The curriculum is split into three different areas: 'cook', 'sew' and 'build'.Two different 'aspects' of design are interwoven into the three areas of study: the environment and sustainability, and enterprise and innovation. These 'aspects' acknowledge enduring and contemporary concerns of modern design."


Subject Lead: Miss Tomkins (Year 4) 

We use Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) Geography across both KS1 and KS2, which ensures our pupils can build, develop and secure the knowledge they need.  

"Throughout the curriculum, children will consider how we know about the world, what geographers do, what they look for, and how they may interpret their observations. By answering questions such as 'what would a geographer say about this place?', we encourage children to think about the discipline of Geography and how knowledge is formed."


Subject Lead: Mrs Katie Dudley (Reception) 

We use Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) History across both KS1 and KS2, which ensures our pupils can build, develop and secure the knowledge they need.  

"The PKC history curriculum allows children to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of local, British, and world history. The knowledge in the curriculum has been carefully chosen and sequenced using a largely chronological approach. Each unit of work is not a stand-alone topic, but a chapter in the story of the history of Britain and the wider world.

The children will learn about fascinating ancient civilisations, the expansion and dissolutions of empires, and the achievements and atrocities committed by humankind across the ages."

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)


Subject Lead: Mrs Andrea Perrett (Year 2) 


To deliver our Music curriculum, we draw on Charanga, the UK's leading scheme to teach the National Curriculum for Music. It is a high-quality music resource which provides resources that are engaging and inspiring, and encourage our pupils to develop a love of music. 

Physical Education (PE)

Subject Lead: Miss Emma Tomkins (Nursery) and Miss Katie Monk (Sports Coach) 

Get Set 4 PE helps us deliver a PE curriculum which is varied, exciting and progressive. The curriculum emphasises the importance of a healthy lifestyle and teaches our pupils the skills they need to be happy, active and healthy individuals. 

Personal, Social, Health Economic (PSHE) / Relationship Education

Subject Lead: Mrs Rachel Pincher (Year 5) 

As a result of the PSHE/RSE education we provide at Belle Vue, our children will develop and grow into well rounded empowered individuals -that make us proud! These young people will be opened minded and highly ambitious, grounded with strong core values, which enable them to be positive, respectful, and active members of our diverse society.  They will be emotionally and socially intuitive, resourceful, and resilient. Equipped with curiosity and creativity they will be able to articulate their approaches to tackling problems, the skills to enable them to change the world!  

Religious Education (RE)

Subject Lead: Mrs Rebecca Cooke (Year 4)

Our RE curriculum is enquiry-based and each unit of work focuses on a key question for pupils to investigate. Pupils will complete enquiries in the six principal religions, enabling them to gain an understanding of religions from across the world. Our RE curriculum also offers learning with social, moral, spiritual and cultural aspects and allows children to demonstrate and understand key British values. 

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