Welcome to Belle Vue's Year 1 Page!
Hello and welcome to Year One. We are excited to begin a new chapter of your children's lives with you. The teachers in Year one are Mrs Prosser and Miss Watson and the Teaching Assistants are Mrs Edwards and Mrs Malpass. We are all happy for you to ask us if you have any worries and concerns about your child's learning journey here at Belle Vue Primary. We have got a really exciting year ahead of us and we will all strive to help your child reach their own full potential. We really do understand that every child has their own unique progression path and we aim to plan and deliver opportunities that challenge and interest all of our new cohort.
Mrs Prosser
1P Teacher
Art Lead
Miss Watson
1W Teacher
Mrs Edwards
Year One Teaching Assistant
Mrs Malpass
Year one Teaching Assistant
During this half term, we will be helping your children to settle into Year One life. It is quite different from Reception and there will be new routines to learn. We will be doing this by ensuring the first two weeks of transition are full of opportunities for your children to practise listening, co- operating with each other and understanding where resources can be found within their own bases in a fun, relaxed approach.
Dates for your diary!
Wednesday 4th September - First day of year one
Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November - Half term
Friday 20th December - End of Autumn term
More dates to be added soon.
Reading: Children will bring home two books each week. A monster phonics reading book and a book for pleasure. Their monster phonics book will support segmenting and blending and children should be able to read these independently. The book for pleasure is a book that has been chosen by your child for you to read with them to explore vocabulary as well as developing your child's interest in a variety of book genres. It is recommended that children read at least 10 minutes 3 times a week to support decoding, fluency and expansion of vocabulary. These books will need to be returned to school to be changed every Friday. If books aren't returned new books can not be sent home.
Writing: During Autumn term children will focus on perfecting their letter formation through our handwriting scheme letterjoin. They will take part in daily practice applying their phonics to their spelling. We will also be learning how to write simple sentences and what sentences need. Learning about past tense action verbs, simple subjects, capital letters and full stops. Weekly handwriting will be sent home as homework and will reflect what the children have learnt that week.
Maths: During the Autumn term children will spend time practising counting and sorting objects. They will solve problems using their place value knowledge and learn how to write, read and recognise numbers up to 10. They will be able to count forwards and backwards from any given number within these boundaries. Children will begin to understand the two operations of number- addition and subtraction and use symbols to create sums. They will learn how to use the greater and less symbols and compare numbers, amounts and objects to show their understanding.
Every year the children at Belle Vue study a biology unit. Year One begin by understanding The Human Body. This unit builds upon the learning children have previously done in EYFS 'All about me'. Children will revisit what functions the body parts enable us to do and then focus on the senses. They will understand how light travels into our eyes which help us see. Children will work scientifically through this unit to help them understand how the senses enable them to explore the world we live in.
Year One will be introduced to the concept of maps starting with looking at aerial views. This will help the children to understand how cartographers represent physical and human features on a map. They will find out how symbols are used on a map and be introduced into the four compass points. The children will begin to use some positional language to describe locations. They will look at simple routes on a map based on familiar locations using first hand information to enable them to recognise what they see in the world around them.
This unit of work in year one allows the children to be introduced to the concept of colour. The children will be introduced to artist like Mondrian, Van Gogh and many others. The vocabulary learned will enable the children to talk about their artwork using words like primary and secondary colours, warm and cool shades and tints. The activities that children will do will teach them about brush techniques and colour mixing. Drawing skills will also be taught and the children will be introduced to the technique of wax resist.
This term the children will begin their music journey by learning a tune called- Hey You! It is written in an Old-School Hip Hop style for children to learn about the differences between pulse, rhythm and pitch and to learn how to rap and enjoy it in its original form. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose with this song, children will listen and appraise other Old-School Hip Hop tunes.
Religious Education - Christianity
This term children will be answering these big questions
- Does God want Christians to look after the world?
- Why is Christmas important to Christians?
Children will learn about the christian creation story and the christian Christmas story to explore and answer these big questions.
This term children are going to be learning about what makes them unique and about their special people, such as family and friends. They will also learn about the diversity of people and families in the world.
This term children will be learning about e- safety whilst learning how to log on to the network and chromebooks safely. They will also be introduced to Purplemash and complete tasks and create their avatars.
During Autumn term children will develop their gross motor skills while building their hand eye co-ordination completing target and ball skills activities.
In Year One, children should be reading to an adult a minimum of 3 times a week. We will be sending home a Monster phonics book home and a book to share.
We will be learning the Year 1 High Frequency Words and Common exception words so learning these at home as well will be a huge advantage.
Practising number formation, counting forwards and backwards and sorting objects into groups will help your child in maths. Good websites like top marks and hit the button will engage and interest the children making learning maths a fun thing to do.
Accessing the Letter-join parental log in will help your child with handwriting formation- Codes below