Welcome to Belle Vue's Year 3 Page!

Hello and welcome to Year 3.
We are now in Key Stage 2.

The staff in Year 3 are Mrs Perrett, Miss Ward, Mrs Turner and Mrs Northall.
We are really looking forward to the new year and excited to see your children grow and mature in their learning. 


Miss Ward

Mrs Perrett

Mrs Turner

Mrs Northall

The Belle Vue Way.

Our three school rules are:

  • Be Ready
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Safe

We also have four listening skills that we actively teach across school. These are:

  • Good listening is…sitting still
  • Good listening is…staying quiet
  • Good listening is…looking at the person who is talking
  • Good listening is…listening to all of the words

Our school trip to hear the City of Birminghmam Symphony Orchestra at Symphony Hall is on Monday 10th of February. We have been listening to the music that will be on the programme. Please feel free to view the programme and enjoy some snippets.

Slides from the parents meeting 17.09.24

Current Term




Developing reading skills

Our first class novel is The Midnight Fox. Through this gentle story we will be ensuring the children's understanding of new vocabulary and identifying with the feelings of each character.

We will teach reading every day through choral reading for fluency, checking the understanding of vocabulary and helping the children to understand and enjoy what they read.

The children will have a reading book that they bring home every night. Please could you ensure that they bring it in every day as they will read it every day in class. The children will also bring home a reading record so that you can lets us know how your child is reading at home.

Developing writing skills.

During the first half of the Autumn term we will be helping the children to understand how important it is to understand sentence and grammar structures to write a variety of coherant sentences.
The children will be looking closely at key punctuation and ensuring they can write independent, coherent statements, questions, exclamations and commands.
They will also learn how to extend sentences using conjunctions, adjectives and adverbs.
As a part of the writing process, they will review their work and make changes and revisions.

Spelling will be a key aspect of developing writing skills and will be taught daily. Twelve spellings, linked to phonics sounds, will be learnt each week and will be found in the homework section of our page, where you will find other words that children need to learn to spell whilst in Year 3. 

Spelling tests will take place on Friday and include the 12 words learnt that week plus 8 words from previous weeks work.

Handwriting will be taught every day. The children will be expected to use joined handwriting in their independent work by the end of Year 3. It is a key component in developing children's writing.

Children will build on these fundamental building blocks to write longer pieces of work as we move into the end of the Autumn term.

Developing number skills.

During the Autumn term the children will be learning to order, read and manipulate numbers up to 4 digits. They will be developing and securing their addition and subtraction calculations and increase their recall of known facts, eg. number bonds to 20, number bonds to 100.

Multiplication is an important aspect and the children will need to remember their knowledge from Year 2 (2X 5X and 10x) and moving onto 3X 4X and 8X. By the end of Year 3 they will need to be able to recall all of their multiplication facts in readiness for the Statutory Multiplication Test at the end of Year 4. They will be working on multiplication daily and recieving multiplication homework every week. 



Wider Curriculum


Biology -The Human Body and Cycles in Nature.
Biology - Plants.
Physics - Light
Chemistry - Rocks

Religious Education:

Theme 1: Sikhism
Theme 2: The meaning of Christmas
Theme 3: Multi-faith creation stories


Theme 1 How can we be a good friend? 
Theme 2 What keeps us safe?
Theme 3 What are Families like?
Theme 4 What makes a community.
Theme 5 Healthy eating
Theme 6 Dental Hygiene

History: The Stone Age to the Iron age and Ancient Eygpt
              The Anglo Saxons.
              Law and Power

Geography: Spatial Sense and Settlements
                   Rivers and the South West of England
                   Western Europe

Computing: Coding and Online Safety
                   Online Safety and Spreadsheets

French: Introduction to French Vocabulary.
             Animals, Carnival, Using numbers, Easter.
             Fruits and Vegetables

Art: Line, Still Life and Form
       Art in Ancient Eygpt and Anglo Saxon Art.

Music: Rythmic patterns, singing, using tuned and untuned percussion and improvisation.

PE: Hockey (Thursday)

Forest School: Den building, bush craft and camp fire during the spring term.


Given on Friday.


Times Tables

Please click the link below to visit TT Rock stars

We have been looking at these spelling rules in our Spring spelling lessons.

Online Safety.

For more useful information about ensuring your child stays safe on the internet please visit 


or click the link below

Games to enhance learning

The Friendship Bench.

The children completed work based on 'The Friendship Bench' by Wendy Meddour and Daniel Egneus in July when they met their new teachers. They are now on display in their new classrooms.

In Biology today we learnt about the skeletal system. 

We drew around each other and then added bones.

Which bones can you spot?

Today in RE we learnt more about how Sikhs make a commitment to God. 

We talked about visiting a Gurdwara and how a special sacred sweet called Prashad is given to worshipers. 

The children showed great respect when tasting the Prashad. They wore a head covering and thought carefully about the portion size they would take so that nothing was wasted.

In science we have been learning about systems of the body. This week we looked at digestion and how food passes through the body. We used a pair of tights to mimic the small and large intestine. We collected the waste in a bowl.

In Art we have been studying Ancient Eygyptian Art. Take a look at our stunning Sphinx and creative collars.

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