Welcome to Year 4!


We are Mrs Mulligan, Mrs Cooke, Miss Liao and Miss Harris.

We are really excited to be teaching your children in Year 4 this academic year.
When we are planning new exciting activities, Miss Monk and Mrs Cradock will be teaching PE or Forest School. This is currently on Friday afternoons.

Please do not hesitate to contact us via email at info@belle-vue.dudley.sch.uk or leave a message with the office on 01384 389900 if you have any questions.

Year 4 Parents meeting

Mrs Mulligan

Assistant Headteacher and Deputy DSL

Year 4 Class Teacher


Mrs Cooke


Year 4 Class Teacher


Miss Liao


Year 4 Class Teacher


Miss Harris


Teaching Assistant

Summer Term Key Dates

This is an overview of events throughout the year. All of these dates are provisional and may be subject to change.
Further details regarding the events will be sent out nearer the time.


Year 4 Summer Term Experience

Monday 10th June - 4L Music Experience (onsite) and Tuesday 11th June - 4CM Music Experience (onsite)

ALL YEAR 4 Parents/Carers are invited to watch the Music Experience Performance on Tuesday 11th June. Details to follow nearer the time.

Monday 8th April

Term Starts

Tuesday 16th April

Parents’ Evening and Curriculum Showcase

Thursday 18th April

Parents’ Evening and Curriculum Showcase

Thursday 2nd May

Polling Day - SCHOOL IS OPEN

Monday 6th May

Bank Holiday

Thursday 9th May

Film Night

Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May

Year 6 KS2 SATs Week

WC 20th May

Pre-school setting visits




Monday 27th May-Friday 31st May 2024

Half Term



W/C 3rd June

Pre-School visits

Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th June

Year 4 Music Experience (onsite). Details to follow.

Tuesday 11th June and Thursday 13th June

New to Nursery and Reception Induction

Wednesday 12th June and Thursday 13th June

Phonics Screening Check

Thursday 13th June

Multiplication Tables Check Year 4

W/C 10th June

Father’s Day Breakfast

Friday 14th June

Reception Father’s Day event

Monday 17th June

Transition time for new classes

Thursday 20th June

Nursery and Reception Sports Day

Friday 21st June

KS1/K2 Sports Day

Friday 28th June

Summer Fayre

Monday 1st July

Whole Transition Afternoon

Monday 8th July

Dress Rehearsals

WC Monday 1st July

Primary Liaison Week (Year 6) and Assessment Week for KS1 and KS2

WC Monday 1st July

DT Week and Assessment week

WC 8th July

DT Week

Monday 15th July

Curriculum showcase and Parents’ Drop-in

Friday 12th July

Year 6 End of Year Celebration Trip

Tuesday 16th July

Year 6 End of Year BBQ and Bounce

Thursday 18th July

Year 6 Leavers’ Celebration Evening

Friday 19th July

School Year Ends

Current Term




After Easter, we will continue to read 'Woof!' by Allan Ahlberg. This humorus book is about Eric; a perfectly ordinary boy - perfectly ordinary, that is, until the night he turns into a dog! This is the story of his adventures with his best friend, Roy, and their efforts to puzzle out the reason for his transformation.

Our next class novel is ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We will continue to focus on the children's understanding of new vocabulary, story settings, plot and characters.

In class, we teach reading every day through choral reading for fluency, checking the understanding of vocabulary and helping the children to understand a wide range of texts through key questioning.

The children will have a reading book that they bring home every night, selected from a key reading stage. Please could you ensure that they bring this in every day as they will read in class daily. It is important that your child practises their reading daily for around 10 minutes to build upon their fluency and comprehension skills.

During the Summer term, we will be focusing on a range of sentence types including compound, complex sentences, direct speech, semi colons and other types of punctuation to add detail for the reader. 

First, the children will be looking at the text 'Until I Met Dudley' by Roger McGoughHave you ever wondered how a toaster works? Or a fridge-freezer, or a washing-up machine? In this explanation text book, Dudley, the techno-wizard dog, takes you through the processes behind familiar machines.

We are also going to look at 'The Colours of History' by Clive Gifford. Why did Roman emperors wear purple? Which colour is made from crushed beetles? What green pigment might be used to build super-fast computers of the future? Find out the answers to these and many more questions in this vibrant exploration of the stories behind different colours, and the roles they've played throughout history. Every shade has a story to tell. This book is a feast for the eyes and the mind, ready to enthral budding artists and historians alike.

During the first half of the Summer term, Year 4 will continue with reading time and converting between digital and analogue. After this, we will be moving onto Length and Perimeter, where children will be calculating the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. The next topic will be Fractions where we add and subtract fractions. Through these sessions, children will be developing their mathematical vocabulary and will be applying their knowledge to reasoning and problem solving. At the end of summer term, we will be looking at Decimals.

In addition, children will focus on their times tables and arithmetic skills. This will be done through daily retrieval tasks, so they will get plenty of practice.

Children in Year 4 are required to know the times tables up to 12x, ready for the Multiplication Timestables Check (MTS) on Thursday 13th June.

Handwriting will be taught every day using the 'Letter-Join' handwriting program. The children will be expected to use joined handwriting, leading to a cursive style by Year 6. It is a key component in developing children's writing. Throughout these lessons, the children will be taught about letter families, number formation and High Frequency Words. 

Spelling will be a key aspect of developing writing skills and will be taught daily. Twelve spellings, linked to phonics sounds, will be learnt each week and will be found below.
Spelling tests will take place on Friday and include the 12 words learnt that week and other spellings from previous weeks for recapping. 

Spelling Lists

Here are the spellings that your child will be practising daily, each week. Each set of spellings is grouped by a particular phoneme (sound) and then the groups of letters (grapheme) that make that sound. We would encourage your child to use syllables and sound buttons to break each word down. It is also important to discuss the meaning of each word. In addition, we will add a selection of Common Exception Words (CEW) and High Frequency Words (HFW) to the lists below.

There is going to be repetition of words now, to review and consolidate spellings from previous weeks.


Please focus on one week at a time.

Summer 1 - The following spellings are now out of 20.


Week commencing 8/4/24


grammar increase




natural probably




wrong ferry





HFW - new  work   other  took  think  home  because   people


Week commencing 15/4/24


separate special




access suggest




exercise medicine





CEW - sugar should would could last clothes beautiful who


Week commencing 22/4/24








affect effect




receipt notice





CEW - which after again every half plant whole hold


Week commencing 29/4/24








exercise deposit




possession lose





CEW - everybody poor any eye hour pretty wild both


Week commencing 6/5/24


establish machine




possession mention




option nation





CEW - class fast improve old prove climb father kind


Week commencing 13/5/24


layer misbehave




relocate dislocate




weight survey





CEW - break behind floor gold many past sure told


Week commencing 20/5/24


guarantee feature




brief library




perceive deceive





CEW - parents child water hold great grass bath steak


Summer2 - The following spellings are still out of 20, containing other year 4 statutory spellings.


Week commencing 3/6/24









combine decline




bible identify





Year 4 Statutory Spellings - accident calendar eight guide mention possession straight caught

Wider Curriculum


Science: States of Matter (Summer 1) and Electricity (Summer 2)

Religious Education: Buddhism - Buddha's Teachings (Summer 1) and Christianity - Prayer and Worship  (Summer 2)

PSHE: How can our choices make a difference to others and the environment? (Summer 1) How we manage risk in different places? (Summer 2)

History: The Stuarts (Summer 1 and 2)

Geography: London and South East England (Summer 1) and Japan (Summer 2)

Computing: Spreadsheets (Summer 1) and Effective Searching (Summer 2)

French:  Face and Body parts, Feeling Unwell and Jungle Animals.

Art: Byzantine Monuments (Summer 1) and Needlework and Weaving (Summer 2)

Music: Black Bird - The Beatles

PE: Tennis 

Forest School: Den building, bush craft and camp fire safety




Homework is set in accordance with our SMART policy (please see the policy on the website). We expect all children to be practising their spellings and multiplication skills at home each week using the suggested websites below. On some occasions, we may send out homework documents to further support skills and concepts that they will have already encountered in class.


4L DT cushions

Our DT topic this term has involved designing, creating and stuffing a cushion.
The children have worked really hard and should be so proud of all their lovely cushions and hard work.

4CM DT cushions

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