Welcome to Belle Vue's Year 5 Page!
Year 5 2024-25
Welcome to the Year 5 page. Here you will find the latest updates, information about what we are learning, and resources to support the learning of our children.

Miss Winwood
Class Teacher
Maths Lead
Mrs Pincher
Class Teacher
Mrs Hart
Key Dates
Spring Term 1
Science: Biology - Living Things and their habitats
Geography: Mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes
PSHE: How can we help in an accident and emergency?
Art: Art from West Africa
French: life in the city
PE: Rugby and handball
RE: symbols
Computing: Modelling
Music: Make you feel my love
Autumn Term 1
Year Group Meeting September 2024
Each afternoon, we will enjoy our class novel, Who Let the Gods Out. During our Monday and Friday reading sessions, we will be reflecting and deepening our understanding of our class novel. During our mid-week sessions, we will develop and practice fluency, analyse the texts and producing written responses to what they have read.
During the first Autumn term, we will be focusing upon sentence structure, handwriting, presentation, editing and improving our writing.
During the first half of the Autumn term, we will be developing our knowledge of place value to 1,000,000. We will using Roman Numerals, comparing and ordering numbers, reading a writing numbers in in numerals and words and partition. After this, we will apply our place value knowledge to addition and subtraction methods.
Throughout our Maths sessions, we will be developing our knowledge and use of mathematical vocabulary and we will be applying our knowledge to reasoning and problem solving.

Year 5 Spellings 2024-2025
Autumn Term 1 Science: Biology -The Human Body Geography: Spatial Sense PSHE: What makes up a person’s identity? Art: Style in Art French: Phonetics and key vocabulary PE: Swimming and football RE: What is the best way for a Hindu to show commitment to God? Computing: Coding Music: Melody and Harmony in music.
Swimming 2024-2025
2023 - 2024
Spring 2024
Each afternoon, we will continue to enjoy our class novel, Who Let the Gods Out. During our Monday and Friday reading sessions, we will be reflecting and deepening our understanding of our class novel. During our mid-week sessions, we will develop and practice fluency, analyse the texts, and produce written responses to what they have read.
During Spring 1, we will be reading The Day the Crayons Quit. We will be reviewing and building on the children’s use of previously learned grammar and sentence types. In addition to this, we will be teaching the following:
Learn how to identify and write expanded noun phrases that include a prepositional phrase.
Learn how to identify and write ellipsis as a stop mark and an incomplete thought.
Learn how to identify and write an ellipsis as a pause.
We will be following the White Rose Scheme.
Multiplication and division B
Fractions B
Decimals and percentages
Perimeter and area
Spring Term 1 Science: Biology - Living Things and their habitats History: The French Revolution Geography: Australia PSHE: How can we help in an accident and emergency? Art: Art from West Africa French: Presenting myself PE: Swimming and netball RE: How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything? Computing: Modelling Music: Make you feel my love
Spring Term 2 Science: Physics forces History: Transatlantic Slave Trade Geography: Australia PSHE: How can we communicate safely? Art: Chinese Painting and Ceramics French: Family PE: Swimming and tennis RE: How significant is it for Christians to believe God intended Jesus to die? Computing: Modelling Music: Make you feel my love D&T: To be confirmed.
Summer Term 2024
Each afternoon, we will continue to enjoy our class novel, The 1,000 Year Old Boy. During our Monday and Friday reading sessions, we will be reflecting and deepening our understanding of our class novel. During our mid-week sessions, we will develop and practice fluency, analyse the texts, and produce written responses to what they have read.
During Summer 1, we will be completing our independent writing of an explanation text, inspired by 'The everyday Journeys of Ordinary Things'. We will be reviewing and building on the children’s use of previously learned grammar and sentence types. In addition to this, we will be teaching the following:
Past Participles
Use of brackets, Commas and Dashes
During Summer 2, we will be completing our independent writing of a non-chronological report text inspired by 'The Secrets of Stonehenge'. We will be reviewing and building on the children’s use of previously learned grammar and sentence types. In addition to this, we will be teaching the following:
Write realiative clauses and apposites within compound and complex sentences.
Identify and write an introductory paragraph in expositional writing.
Identify and write a concluding paragraph in expositional writing.
We will be following the White Rose Scheme.
position and direction
Negative Numbers
Converting units
Summer Term 1
Science: Physics - Astronomy
History: Industrial Revolution
PSHE: How can drugs common to everyday life affect health?
Art:Chinese art/Print making
French: Fruits and vegetables
PE: Swimming and rounders
RE: Do beliefs in Karma, Samsara and Moksha help Hindus lead good lives?
Computing: Spreadsheets
Music: Dancing in the street
Summer Term 2
Science: Physics - Metrology
History: Victorians
Geography: Local Study
PSHE: What jobs would we like?
Art: Photography
French: Weather and asking for icecream
PE: Swimming and rounders
RE: What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to God?
Computing: spreadsheets
Music: Dancing in the street
Letter-join handwriting

Wider Curriculum

Interactive Multiplication Chart | Math Playground
Paint the Squares - Interactive Number Charts (topmarks.co.uk)
Other subjects
Watch Newsround - BBC Newsround

Weekly Timetable (subject to change)

Online Safety