Welcome to Year 5 Mrs Pincher and Miss Fletcher-Jones
Welcome to the Year 5 page. Here you will find the latest updates, access to remote learning and resources to support the learning of our children.
Walking Home
If you would like your child to walk home on their own from school, please obtain a walk home from school letter from myself or the office. Your child will be then allowed to walk home alone once the slip has been signed and returned.
Spelling Games
Children have a reading book to take home, these will need to be brought with them every day. Children are encouraged to read as much as possible as this helps to not only develop their reading but also writing skills and widens their knowledge. Children and parents are encouraged to record their reading on Boom Readers formally Go Read. When your child has finished a book we would love for them to complete a book review, which can be done on the app.
Please follow the link below if you need help downloading the app.
Year 5 Science lesson
'Which is the best thermal insulator?'
Some lovely work and a great opportunity for practical learning too.
Making sure there is only one variable in the experiment.
Checking the temperature carefully and writing up the results.