Welcome to our Year 6 page
Here you will find the latest updates, information about what we are learning and resources to support the learning of our children.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via email at:
or leave a message with the office on 01384 389900 if you have any questions.

Parent meetings January 2025
Thursday 16th Jan - SATs meeting
Parent meeting PowerPoint
Mrs V Hopkins
Year 6 Class Teacher
English Lead Teacher
Miss I Hackett
Y6 class teacher
Mrs Fisher
Teaching assistant
Mrs White
Teaching assistant
This is an overview of events throughout the year. All of these dates are provisional and may be subject to change. Further details about the events will be sent out nearer the time.
Key Dates
Wednesday 12th February - curriculum showcase evening
Thursday 13th February - Valentine's film night
Friday 14th February - last day of term
Monday 17th February - half term week starts
Monday 24th February - term restarts
Current Term
Cogheart is our current class novel. This is read daily.
In addition, we use a variety of short extracts linked to the wider curriculum in reading lessons to develop fluency and to build background knowledge and vocabulary.
In the spring term, we will continue to work on developing sentence structure and the ability to select and combine sentences to create effective longer pieces. Our next piece of work will be a non-chronological report, followed by another non-fiction piece linked with our science work.
In the spring term, we complete a large block of work on fractions before then focusing on ration, algebra and decimals.
Physics - light
British geographical problems
Our school day
Foundation subjects -Class novel
- We have a phonics-based approach to spelling in KS2
- Children are taught a phoneme (sound) and then we focus on some of the different graphemes (letters) that represent that phoneme.
- Over the course of the week, children learn how to spell a set amount of words that include that phoneme
Spelling words 10.3.25 't' sound
restaurant | equipped | variety |
vegetable | yacht | construct |
constant | monitor | select |
relative | walked | doubtless |
Spelling words 17.3.25 'w' sound
twelve | what | frequently |
consequences | questionable | unquestionable |
language | swerve | swirling |
wondrous | quest | equalise |
Department for Education's statutory spelling list for Y5 & 6
- We use the handwriting scheme 'Letter Join'. Handwriting is taught daily and children have chance to practise the letters/joins.
- We expect children to use and implement the letters/joins they have learnt in handwriting in all their independent writing.
At home tablet log-in for Letter-join
username: qr0470
swipe code: capital 'L' shape starting at top left
At home PC log-in for Letter-join
username: qr0470
password: home
Communication Platforms
Key messages for parents will be communicated by the school office via School Life App.
- Copies of letters are sent out to parents via emails and uploaded to the school website.
- Key dates are published on our website (Academic Diary Dates)
- Google Form links that cannot be shared publicly for safeguarding reasons will be emailed to families.
- Newsletters will be issued every fortnight and available on the School Life app and uploaded to the website.
Forest School
Both Y6 classes will have one PE slot on Monday mornings.
Friday mornings will be split between PE and Forest School.
13th Sept, 27th Sept & 4th Oct = Forest School for 6Ha and PE for 6Ho
11th Oct, 18th Oct & 25th Oct = Forest School for 6Ho and PE for 6Ha
Long hair must be tied back for these sessions.
Earrings should be removed before these sessions. If this is not possible, earrings must be covered with plasters. Children must remove their own earrings/put on their own plasters.
How parents can best support their child's learning
Daily reading - independently or aloud to you - this is still useful even in Y6!
Times tables practice
Spelling practice
Handwriting practice
Encouraging independence - P.E kit, letters etc
Homework is set in accordance with our SMART homework policy. It includes:
Daily reading
Practising spelling words
Learning times tables
Plus occasional other tasks to do with the wider curriculum